会期 August 8 (Sun.) – October 1 (Sun.)
Hours 12:30–19:30
Closed Tue.
Venue Hue Universal Gallery (HUG) (Kita 1-jo Higashi 2-4, Chuo-ku, Sapporo )

With the cooperation of: Hokkaido University of Education, Canon Inc.
Curated and coordinated by: Amenomori Nov

In this project, Sawa Hiraki, whose work has explored invisible realms such as imagined scenery and feelings in memories, will release a new video installation based on actual events.

The footage used for this installation was taken in Field Action, an experiment on light conducted at Moerenuma and Lake Shuparo in Yubari in January and February 2017 together with Umeda Tetsuya. Ethereal scenery was created by Umeda, who shoveled snow on the icy lake surface, drew a circle, made a hole in the ice and then dropped a light in the lake in freezing temperatures. The light coming from the hole and movements performed around it look like part of a ritual that might have taken place several tens of thousands of years ago or a scene in which a person who has arrived in the area from the future communicates with a space alien. Such a series of events will be reconstructed through Sawa’s proactive (creative) misreading and depicted in poetic footage in which fantasy and reality intertwine.
