【Finished】 SIAF 2020 Director's Talk 2nd!
This will be the second "Director's Talk", entitled "The Great 'Media Art' Large Set!" And welcomes two guests with Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka, SIAF 2020 Curatorial Director (in charge of Media Art), in this talk, the attraction of Media Art will be introduced.
We talk about the work of director and guest's bests with photos and videos, about what kind of art is "media art" where there are few opportunities to touch normally.
SIAF 2020 Director’s Talk 2nd
“The Great ‘Media Art’ Large Set!”
Date and time: Sunday, February 3, 2019 16: 30-18 :30 (opened at 16:00)
Venue: Sapporo Community Plaza, 1st floor SCARTS Court (Sapporo, Chuo Ward North 1 West 1)
Capacity: 50 people (No application required / first arrival on the day)
Cost: Free
Language: Japanese, English (English-Japanese sequential interpretation)
Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka (SIAF2020 Curatorial director [media art])
Ma Jung-Yeon (researcher)
Kei Komachiya (SIAF lab project director)
※ profile flyers refer to.