SIAF TV is streaming unique video programs on SIAF YouTube channel.
During the showcase “SIAF Document” (February 5–14), we open “SIAF TV STUDIO” on-site for streaming a wide range of programs featuring directors, participating artists, and special guests.

as of February 7, 2021_English
▶︎ Artist Talk
The artists who were scheduled to participate in the event will talk about their plans and thoughts that they were not able to convey in the interviews.
・Friday, February 5, 18:00- [JST, UTC+9]|01:Studio visit with Przemyslaw Jasielski
・Friday, February 5, 19:00- [JST, UTC+9]|02:Meet the Décosterd brothers|*Pre-recorded
・Saturday, February 6, 15:00- [JST, UTC+9]|03:Creating in Sapporo|*Pre-recorded
・Saturday, February 6, 19:00- [JST, UTC+9]|04:Pandemic and Art
・Sunday, February 7, 15:00- [JST, UTC+9]|05:Transforming Places
・Sunday, February 7, 18:00- [JST, UTC+9]|06:Coal Mine and Roots
・Monday. February 8, 18:00- [JST, UTC+9]|07:Collaboration Meeting
・Tuesday, February 9, 18:00- [JST, UTC+9]|08:PLAY
・Wednesday, February 10, 18:00- [JST, UTC+9]|09:Art Mediation
・Thursday February 11, 15:00- [JST, UTC+9]|10:Welcome to Our Studios!
・Friday, February 12, 18:00- [JST, UTC+9]|11:Media/Internet
・Saturday, February 13, 15:00- [JST, UTC+9]|12:Linking the Natural Phenomena and New Media Environments
・Saturday, February 13, 18:00- [JST, UTC+9]|13:What's on My Mind
・Sunday, February 14, 17:00- [JST, UTC+9]|Senster vs. Mukawa Dinosaur!|*Pre-recorded
・Sunday, February 14, 18:00- [JST, UTC+9]||SIAF2020 Plans and Ideas Closing Talk