
Legal Information & Notices

This site is operated by the Creative City Sapporo International Art Festival Executive Committee.

Users may freely link to the main page of the Sapporo International Art Festival website. However, if the uses are determined to be offensive to public order and morals, harmful to third parties or the Festival Executive Committee or discredit us, we may forbid such parties to post our site’s link to their webpage.
There is no permission required to post our URL to other sites; however users need to indicate clearly on the web pages that the link is to this website. Refrain from posting our link with the content of the website shown within the frame of another site.
Links to other organizations posted on our website are only listed for the convenience of users of our website; thus, we do not promote or ensure any guarantees of the contents of outside resources. Third party sites listed on the page are not under the supervision of the Festival Executive Committee, therefore we are not held responsible for any problems caused by other sites.

Copyrights on the contents (text, images, sounds, etc.) contained in this website are held by the Sapporo International Art Festival Executive Committee. However, the copyright on some works such as photography and music is held by the respective contributors.
Reproduction and transfer of such contents are prohibited without permission, except for personal use (reproduction, quotation, etc.) permitted by copyright law.

Although the accuracy of the information on this website is managed professionally, the Executive committee holds no responsibility for any actions taken by users based on the information provided on our website.
Please also be aware that there may be sudden changes made to the contents and addresses or information deleted on the website.

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